Impeach Bush Coalition
A United Coalition of Bloggers for the Impeachment of George W. Bush

Another "Case For Impeachment"

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
This one is from Harper's Magazine. The entire article will be available in March's edition of Harper's.

Wisconsin Democrats Vote to Impeach Bush

Another day, another state. More HERE

Help Carl Sheeler

Monday, February 27, 2006
As mentioned on this blog earlier, the Impeach Bush Coalition has endorsed Carl Sheeler's run for U.S. Senate. Mr Sheeler has already requested that Rhode Island's State Assembly initiate impeachment proceedings against President Bush by sending a joint resolution to Congress.

To date, however, Rhode Island's Assembly has not responded.

Accordingly, Mr. Sheeler has written the following letter to the State Assembly:
Honorable Members of the RI General Assembly,

Approximately ten days ago, I called upon the Democratic Members of the RI General Assembly to support an impeachment initiative to prepare a resolution to be forwarded to the US House of Representatives. This occurred after no response form Congrressmen Langevin and Kennedy to join Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) in his efforts.

I sent each of you a letter making this request as well as a draft of articles outlining the reasons for impeachment. I also called on my US Senate opponents Shedon Whitehouse and Matt Brown to join me in this effort. There has also been no response.

This most recent effort was covered by the local media, Fox News and the Associated Press as well as dozens, if not hundreds of blogsites.

I hope you agree leadership is not achieved by entering political office, but by applying the simple principal of doing the right thing on behalf of the public and the citizens of Rhode Island. This places public interest before personal and political agendas. I believe Rhode Island and our nation deserve nothing less. It is not a partisan issue.

Let me call your attention to Daily Kos, the largest political website in the United States, and the conservative Magazine Harpers - March 2006 edition.


I have not yet heard from any member from the State Senate or House. This is disappointing. It would be embarrasing if either another state precedes us or impeachment proceedings occur in Congress due to US Representative Conyer's efforts.

It is a reasonable to state your reasons for not supporting this request in writing in the next 10 working days, if your unable to concur with this patriotic effort.

With Respect,

Carl L. Sheeler
Sheeler for US Senate
592 Hopkins Hill Road
West Greenwich, RI 02817-2562

Let's join in and help Mr. Sheeler. Please send an email to the Rhode Island State Assembly supporting the cause for impeachment.

rep-mccauley@rilin.state.ri.us,rep-moura@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ajello@rilin.state.ri.us,rep-fox@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-desimone@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-wasylyk@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-giannini@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-williams@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-slater@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-diaz@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-almeida@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-smith@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-lima@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-palumbo@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-jacquard@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-handy@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mcnamara@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-gemma@rilin.state.ri.us, ,ep-naughton@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ginaitt@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-flaherty@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-trillo@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-williamson@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-murphy@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-landroche@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-moffitt@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-sullivan@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-watson@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-carter@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ehrhardt@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-lally@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-caprio@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-shanley@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mchugh@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-lewiss@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-kennedy@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-scott@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-gorham@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mumford@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ucci@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-voccola@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-petrarca@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-menard@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-anguilla@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-gallison@rilin.state.ri.us,rep-amaral@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-loughlin@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-rice@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-jackson@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-long@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-crowley@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-goodwin@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-pichardo@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-perry@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-ruggerio@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-caprio@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-metts@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-ciccone@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-doyle@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-alves@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-felag@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-levesque@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-gibbs@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-paivaweed@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-daponte@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-mcburney@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-issa@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-montalbano@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-damiani@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-connors@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-badeau@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-blais@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-tassoni@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-fogarty@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-cote@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-polisena@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-lanzi@rilin.state.ri.us,sen-gallo@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-roberts@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-mccaffrey@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-walaska@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-revens@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-bates@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-raptakis@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-breene@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-lenihan@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-sheehan@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-sosnowski@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-algiere@rilin.state.ri.us

Attention New Yorkers...

(Thanks to ImpeachPAC)
12:18 AM :: ::

The Bulldog Manifesto :: permalink

Naked Biker Streaks for Impeachment

Friday, February 24, 2006
"An unknown naked young woman was spotted riding a bicycle around the Memorial Union Wednesday, police and witnesses said.

Tempe resident Elizabeth Brown, 23, said she was eating outside the MU at about 11 a.m. when she saw the woman riding toward the union.

"She was just wearing a Sun Devils baseball cap and a pair of sneakers," she said.

The woman had "Pro-choice" airbrushed on one leg, "Impeach Bush" on the other and "No oil" on her chest, Brown said."

More HERE.
12:58 AM :: ::

The Bulldog Manifesto :: permalink

And Another...

Thursday, February 23, 2006
"Rep. John W. Olver supports an investigation into whether President Bush should face impeachment for possibly manipulating intelligence to support the invasion of Iraq."

10:56 AM :: ::

The Bulldog Manifesto :: permalink

Impeachment Spreading....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
We've already spelled out the "direct proposition". And it seems to be taking off. Within the past few weeks since we spelled it out (thanks to Kagro X!), there have been over five (5) examples of local governments taking action (See prior posts on this blog.)

Here is another. And another....

President's Day

Monday, February 20, 2006
Well, it's President's Day!

Why not spend your holiday completing our fun little checklist?

Or how about sending off a letter?

It's better than painting the house!

Maybe one day we could have a holiday where we would celebrate the impeachment of the worst president ever.

Letter to Howard Dean

Friday, February 17, 2006
Howard Dean has asked us all to tell him what we think. Simply cut and paste the following letter it into your own personal letter to Howard Dean.
Dear Dr. Dean,

The number one priority for this country is to impeach Bush and Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. Lying us into war, the illegal wiretapping of Americans, outing a CIA agent, rampant fraud and corruption-- there is an endless list of treasonous activities.

Impeachment cannot happen in the usual way, through the House Judiciary Committee, as long as the Republicans control the committee chairs. But there is an an alternate route. Under the House rules (Section 603), if a State legislature calls for impeachment, the entire House must consider the resolution.

Your home state of Vermont could initiate this procedure, and thereby get Congr. John Conyers House Resolutions 635,636 & 637 out of the Judiciary Committee and onto the House floor. We ask you to use your influence to persuade the Vermont legislature to pass a resolution calling for investigation into treason and other impeachable offenses on the part of Bush and Cheney.

Many of us are withholding funds from the Democratic Party until we see some action toward impeachment. This is an ideal way for you, as ex-governor of Vermont and current head of the Democratic National Committee, to use your influence.


(Thanks to Carol Wolman and Norah Foster!)

Two More Signed On....

Thursday, February 16, 2006
....we're now up to 25 U.S. House Members. We have a long way to go. But things sure seem to be speeding up lately.

Sheeler Goes to the State Assembly

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Last week, we endorsed Rhode Island Democrat Carl Sheeler for US Senate. Today, Mr. Sheeler will ask Rhode Island's General Assembly to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Bush by sending a joint resolution to Congress.


Impeachment Resolution

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
As you know, we have been working towards getting the States involved with impeachment. Recently, I was asked to wear my attorney hat and provide legal counsel to the good people at Democrats.com, AfterDowningStreet.org, ImpeachBush.tv, and ImpeachCentral.com. Together, we have been working toward getting a State resolution brought before the US House of Representatives pursuant to Section 603 of the US House Rules.

Well, here is a sample resolution. It is written by Richard Matthews.

"WHEREAS, United States House of Representatives rules allow for setting a federal impeachment in motion by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State or territory; and

"WHEREAS, The State of Florida and the former territory of Mississippi have established precedent by referring such charges to Congress, which in each case resulted in Congress ordering a Committee to investigate and report on the charges, and which in one case resulted in the impeachment of Judge Charles Swayne of Florida; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush, President of the United States, has so conducted himself and his office as to cause the people of the State to doubt his integrity and to believe that his official actions as president have constituted High Crimes and Misdemeanors having repeatedly and intentionally violated and ignored the United States Constitution and other laws of the United States; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered the federalization and deployment of this state's National Guard members overseas and thus has exceeded the authority granted in the provision of the United States Constitution that Congress shall have the power to "provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, to suppress insurrections and repel invasions," reserving to the State Assembly, the State Senate, and the Governor of this state the authority to direct the training and arming of members of the state's National Guard for defense of the state; and

"WHEREAS, The federalization and deployment of National Guard members has rendered the National Guard force unable to carry out its state activities effectively and thus deprived the state of its Constitutional power to keep the National Guard for defense of the state; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush has allowed stop-loss orders that violate the mutual understanding between Californians in the Armed Forces including the National Guard and the state and nation they agreed to serve; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush has admitted that he willingly and repeatedly directed unwarranted surveillance of U. S. persons, in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of the United States; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush committed a felony under 18 U.S.C. 1001 by withholding information from Congress about doubts in the intelligence community about Bush's justification for war; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush committed a felony under section 1001 by providing information to Congress he knew or should have known to be false, including the claim that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger and the claim that Iraq gave aid and comfort to the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush committed a felony under section 1001 by providing information to Congress he knew or should have known to be false, including the claim that the cost of the Medicare bill would not exceed the limits Congress intended; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush committed felonies under 18 U.S.C. 641 and 643 by embezzling funds authorized for use in the war in Afghanistan and diverting it to an as-yet unauthorized build-up towards war in Iraq; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush committed felonies, namely espionage, fraud, or obstruction of justice, through involvement in the cover-up of the leak of Valerie Wilson's identity; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush has committed an act of terrorism under 18 U.S.C. 2339A by ordering the kidnapping of President Aristide, a violation of 18 U.S.C. 956; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush has approved of torture under the name of stress and duress, has denied the applicability of existing laws and treaties against torture, and has indicated in his signing statement of H.R. 1815 his future intention to continue to disregard such laws and treaties; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush has repeatedly acted to expand the power of a unitary executive in violation of the principle of balance of power; and

"WHEREAS, the administration of the United States' invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq has resulted in the waste of assets, through incompetence, insufficient oversight, insufficient planning, and no-bid contracts; and

"WHEREAS, George W. Bush, though the above actions has denied the citizens of this state of their rights and their safety; now, therefore, be it

"Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of this state, jointly, That our Senators and Representatives in the United States Congress be, and they are hereby, requested to cause to be instituted in the Congress of the United States proper proceedings for the investigation of the governance of the Executive Branch by George W. Bush as President of the United States, and of his acts and doings as such, to the end that he may be impeached and removed from such office; and be it further

"Resolved, That the secretary of state of this state be, and is hereby, instructed to certify to each Senator and Representative in the Congress of the United States, under the great seal of this state, a copy of this resolution and its adoption by the legislature of this state."

Have You Donated to ImpeachPAC?

Have you donated to ImpeachPAC?

If you have, thank you! If you haven't, what are you waiting for?

ImpeachPAC is the only political action committee focused primarily on endorsing and financially supporting candidates that are impeachment-minded.

If you haven't done so already, please make a donation.

ImpeachPAC has already endorsed eight (8) candidates for the US House of Representatives and three (3) candidates for United States Senate.

From AfterDowningStreet.org: Debating Impeachment Among Democrats

Monday, February 13, 2006
By David Swanson

Can you even imagine Republicans, even if they were in a minority in Congress, debating whether or not to call for the impeachment of a Democratic president known and documented as guilty of a wide range of high crimes and misdemeanors? In particular, if you can imagine that, can you imagine the Republicans who opposed impeachment arguing that they were doing so for strategic political reasons?

This is hard to imagine, because the Republicans won a majority in Congress by loudly proclaiming what they would do if they had it. The main thing they said they would do and still say they will do is oppose the agenda of the Democrats.

Meanwhile, Democratic voters and lapsed voters keep waiting for the Democrats to have an agenda. Polls show that most of us want strong positions on single-payer health care, clean elections, ending the war, shifting to renewable energy, investing in education, restoring the minimum wage, restoring New Orleans, and other policies that incumbent Democrats are usually - at best - taking baby steps on.

The Democrats in Congress seem to be operating under the delusion that they might achieve something small by trying to cooperate with the radical right-wingers who rule the committees. The RNC depicts Nancy Pelosi as Darth Vader, but she wants to work cooperatively with them. At some point this behavior develops into self-hatred.

One of the positions that we Democratic voters seem to care most strongly and decisively about is impeachment of the president. In a recent Zogby poll in Pennsylvania, 85 percent of Democrats favored congressional candidates who are committed to impeachment. Over 75 percent STRONGLY preferred such candidates. These and other polls are revealing not just a preference, but a passionate preference.

Democrats who think they can run on content-free platforms and win because of disgust for Bush are apparently aware of the disgust that's out there. What they are missing is that it's even higher for Democrats who fail to stand up to Bush. I've been at a number of events around the country - Democratic events and anti-war events - where the applause and cheering for impeachment has been matched only by the booing and hissing for Democrats who roll over and refuse to challenge the Bush regime.

Some commentators say we can't push impeachment until after non-Republicans win a majority in Congress.

This makes no sense to me, because first we need a reason to vote the Democrats a majority. You don't get a majority without offering people a reason to vote you one.

If 85 percent of Democrats want candidates who stand for impeachment, impeachment could help win a majority. These two goals are not opposed, but impeachment may need to come first if winning Congress is to be achieved.

Winning Congress for the Democrats may or may not be needed in order to impeach Bush and Cheney. It also may or may not lead to impeachment. This will depend on what sort of Democrats we elect, how we pressure them once they're in, and whether we've built a massive campaign for impeachment that is already up and running once they get there.

It's hard enough getting Democrats to do what they promise to do during their campaigns. Imagine how hard it would be to get them to do something controversial if we'd all kept quiet about it during the campaigns!

There is always an election around the corner. If that's a reason not to fight for justice, then we can never fight for justice.

It is not a waste of time to push popular positions without any guarantee or even likelihood they'll succeed. It is the only way to make them eventually succeed. And it is the only way to change the political balance.

It is also the only thing Democrats in Congress are doing right now. Why should the Dems push futile proposals on education, energy, the war, and every other issue, but not push a futile proposal on impeachment? If we're going to declare everything futile, then they should just go home until someone miraculously gives them a majority.

OR, they could fight for what people want them to fight for, and provide us a reason to vote them a majority.

We need to demand right now that they sign on (as 23 of them have) to H Res 635, John Conyers' bill to create an investigation that will make recommendations on impeachment.

And let's be clear: We need to impeach both Bush and Cheney. It seems likely in fact that we'll persuade a member of Congress to introduce articles of impeachment against Cheney before Bush.

But there are several reasons we should not worry about the remote possibility that impeaching Bush would stick us with Cheney as President.

First of all, an investigation into possible grounds for impeachment, as well as proposals for censure, serves an educational and political purpose, whether or not we get to impeachment. We further discredit the Bushies, and we help to build an opposition.

Impeachment and removal from office are two separate things, one of which has never been done in U.S. history. We should try for removal from office, but we shouldn't worry about it one way or another while fighting for impeachment.

It would be virtually impossible to investigate Bush or Cheney without incriminating the other one. If we impeach one, we impeach both.

Cheney is running the show now backstage. If by some combination of incredibly improbably occurrences he ended up president, we'd be better off with him up front as a walking advertisement for voting against Republicans. We'd be no worse off, since he's already in charge.

It is, in any case, our duty to demand impeachment. If you cannot impeach for the highest crime imaginable, taking the nation to war on the basis of lies, then you can never impeach, or impeachment must be reserved for sex. We must not be the ones to effectively remove the impeachment process from the US Constitution.

It is the duty of every citizen to demand what is right and just, come what may. More important than who sits in the Oval Office is that they know that we can hold them accountable for their actions.

Allowing criminal underlings to provide immunity is a recipe for disaster. If Bush is untouchable because Cheney is criminal, let's stop and think where that leaves us.

And let's stop and think about what it means to be a citizen. We all know that it's unlikely that a Republican Congress will impeach Bush and Cheney. But most of us understand that no important change has ever looked likely - through the course of history - before it's been won. And most of us know that our respect for Democrats will increase dramatically if they fight for what is right, likely or not, plausible or not, reasonable or not. Pundits will call them foolish. People will call them heroes.

Americans are fed up with Bush but even more turned off by Democrats' failure to develop backbones.

Can you imagine every Democrat in Congress standing strongly for impeachment? Can you imagine the pressure that would put on Republicans to join them? I bet you can.

We only need 15 Republicans. Are you going to tell me that nonviolent people's movements can create democracy in Russia, can kick the British out of India, can resist the Nazi occupation in Denmark, can drive a dictator out of El Salvador and another out of the Philippines, can end Jim Crow, can bring down the Soviet Union, can topple military regimes in Argentina and Chile, can end Apartheid, and can bring democracy to the Ukraine, but can't win the votes of 15 Republicans.

How narrow are our dreams! How shrunken is our vision!

Let's think larger! Let's say with Marvin Gaye this Valentine's Day: "Stop beating around the Bush. Let's get it on!"

Swanson's Response to Arianna Huffington

Friday, February 10, 2006
Yesterday, Arianna Huffington wrote the following on her blog:
"Which brings us back to the question: Does
George Bush deserve to be impeached?


So should Democrats rally around nascent efforts to impeach the president?

Absolutely not!"

I was planning on responding to Ms. Huffington's comments. But before I could, I came across David Swanson's take on it all, and frankly, Swanson nails it!

Impeach Bush Coalition Endorses Carl Sheeler for U.S. Senate

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Impeach Bush Coaltion hereby endorses Carl Sheeler in his campaign to become U.S. Senator for the great State of Rhode Island.

Who is Carl Sheeler?

Carl Sheeler is a marine veteran who served during the first Iraq war. He has been referred to as being a "1970's style democrat." (I guess that means he isn't afraid to stand up for what is right.)

In his own words:
"I care what people think. Ultimately, I believe leadership is a blend of compassion, sincerity, decisiveness and courage. Inside, I’m the same kid who spent a good part of the day running around in slightly irregular clothes and shoes playing roller hockey, hoops, and stickball. My parents stretched every dollar, so there were times I put cardboard in my shoes to cover the holes and my mom put patches on my pants. I made some spending money delivering fruits and vegetables in the city and learned to save. My old man worked for the government almost all the time he was alive and I never told him I was proud of him. My folks taught me the value of frugality, hard work, and that it was good to be good and open-minded. I’ll admit I missed the lesson at times, and once had to declare personal bankruptcy. My grandparents were first generation from eastern Europe and Germany.

"We lived in many low and moderate-income areas in New York, Los Angeles, and outside D.C., but I learned a lot from these neighborhoods and appreciate that it’s not easy to leave them. We weren’t particularly religious. We celebrated Chanukah until I chose to go through Catholic confirmation and baptism when I was 18. I needed (and still do) the spirituality of G-d. I did fairly well in school and okay in some sports. I loved football, but spent a lot of time picking up splinters sitting on the bench. I ran track and have been running ever since. Occasionally I pump iron, too. After receiving Senatorial and Congressional nominations to the US Air Force Academy, I broke my wrist and was no longer qualified. There is no shame in success or failure, just another lesson.

"Between savings and working mostly minimum wage jobs for three years in retail, store security, and life guarding, I paid much of my way through college and later signed up with the Marines. Some of my bosses thought I was a good combat and staff officer and I’m sure some didn’t, but I was more interested in what my troops thought and I think I did okay there. Like most, I loved being a Marine for the challenges it brought and leading a diverse bunch of troops. In my late 20’s I rarely balanced the military, education, and my marriage very well. I worked in various management positions for a number of large corporations in sales, planning and operations, but I always wanted to be my own boss and figure out how to be a good dad and husband, too. The majority of Americans today struggle with these same issues and choices every day. That would have to wait until after I was deactivated from serving in support of Desert Storm.

"My eldest daughter will be a high school senior and now lives with her mom and step-dad in Florida. She is a national merit scholar and I’m proud of her. She taught me about cooperation and patience. My teen step-daughter, a very bright, witty, and fiercely independent woman is training to manage a restaurant. My teenage step-son loves to play guitar, his girlfriend and can play a mean game of soccer. He's into vintage war medals and WWII airplanes. My second eldest daughter is into the saxophone, creative writing, drawing and playing league softball. My son likes all kinds of music, reading, playing outside, drawing and is trying his hand at football this summer.

"I got my shot at running my own business in San Diego in 1992. My (then) wife and I chose Rhode Island as our home in 1998 with its strength as one large community despite its heavy taxes. I have lived in both Providence and in Kent County. Living in places like Brooklyn, Chicago, San Diego and Providence really opens your eyes to all walks of life and cultures. My company and lots of student loans have allowed me to pay for additional college education, be a part-time college professor, and run this campaign. I couldn't do this without the help of my ex-wife, who I am proud is helping me with this campaign, along with my current wife. Our cooperation is wasn’t always easy. More importantly, I’m learning the toughest job of all – being a parent in the MTV/MP3 world. These experiences make me better appreciate what it’s like to be a youth, sweat payroll, and stretch dollars to keep a roof over our heads and our family insured.

"I also have learned that being a Democrat is about helping to give others an opportunity, not lip service. This is why I disaffiliated from the Republican Party, as some of its influential members see the party’s role as “I know what’s best for you”. My experiences of helping others have shown me the importance of assisting people suffering from all the financial and legal struggles most of us deal with during our lives. I learned there are some great small and medium size business owners out there who are willing to accept the risks and are truly the engine that is our economy. Like you, I have become afraid that politicians are putting social security at risk, they're not keeping promises of prosperity and personal freedoms, they're creating an “us and them” society, they're buying their office and forgetting working families. I'm very afraid and angry. When I get angry, I get determined and think, “what would my mom say?” We should think, “What would mom say?” I want to replace fear with hope.

"Public interest is what defines my political platform, not special interests. That makes me a real political outsider. I can’t buy a U.S. Senate seat and I’m not going to condemn the good personal fortunes of the other candidates in this race. Between them, these men have millions of dollars at their disposal to get their message to you and media does not come cheap. I’ve made a personal investment to run for what I believe in, which is a better Rhode Island and America. I work for a living and my job would be working for, and being accessible, to you. I want to earn your trust and support by being authentic, honest with my thoughts, and hard working. I don't have all the answers, but I think together we do."

Last week, Mr. Sheeler candidly posted the following message on the IBC blog:
"No plastic, no poll tested answers. We want change. We want our dream of America back, we want our democracy back. We want Blue to mean something other than "sad". We want Democrats to walk the talk or step aside so we can take back our government of "We The People."

I need everyones' help. It's really quite simple. Dedicate a few minutes or an hour when you can to light up the blogosphere and send emails and phone calls to everyone you know on this god's creation in and outside of RI as it's a federal seat that is one more to gain to oppose this corrupted government.

I need the dough to pepper the state with these BE PATRIOTIC IMPEACH BUSH billboards and put as many bumper stickers on vehicles so the message gets to everyone ($10 bucks is 30 bumper stickers or pieces of direct mail and $110 is 1% of the cost of a billboard sign). Our "are you hearing me now?" and "read my lips" messages are unmistakable.

It's often lonely doing this thing, but simple touches of support make it so, so much easier to do this every day. Let's get the word out. Thank you again for taking the time to share."

Please donate to Mr. Sheeler's campaign HERE.

You can also make donations to Mr. Sheeler and other impeachment-minded candidates via ImpeachPAC-- HERE.

More on Mr. Sheeler:
"Sheeler also charged the president with failing to produce Weapons of Mass Destruction, the inability to provide adequate armor for troops, cutting the state's funds for domestic security, and national funding cuts for education and healthcare.

"Providing three separate articles of impeachment for Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld for "high crimes and misdemeanors," Sheeler accused Bush of having, "repeatedly lied to our Congress and American, broke our laws and abused this executive authority with impunity..."

"Sheeler expressed his frustrations regarding Langevin and Kennedy's lack of action to intitiate impeachment hearings and stated that he was taking matters into his own hands.

Sheeler has secured a billboard located in the area of exit 18 on I-95 that will read, "Be Patriotic, Impeach Bush," set to be erected on Friday."

Yup, that's right, Mr. Sheeler has already gone to the trouble of preparing Articles of Impeachment.

Please support Mr. Sheeler's campaign.

Impeach Bush!
12:04 AM :: ::

The Bulldog Manifesto :: permalink

Impeaching George W. Bush is....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
...part of The Battle for America.


From the bizarro world:
"They don’t have the guts to impeach Bush – now or ever."

The radical right-wing is always good for a hearty laugh!

Can you say, 'cognitive dissonance'?

Impeachment-- It's Not Just For Liberals

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
"Although the program's secrecy prevents us from being privy to all of its details the Justice Department's defense of what it concedes was secret and warrantless electronic surveillance of persons within the United States fails to identify any plausible legal authority for such surveillance. Accordingly the program appears on its face to violate existing law." ("On NSA Spying: A Letter to Congress," The New York Review of Books, 2/9/06)

"If he has the authority to go around the FISA court, which is a court to accommodate the law of the war of terror, the FISA Act was created a court set up by the chief justice of the United States to allow a rapid response to requests for surveillance activity in the war on terror. I don't know of any legal basis to go around that. There may be some, but I'm not aware of it." (http://thinkprogress.org/2005/12/18/no-legal-basis/)

"'There is no doubt that this is inappropriate,'said Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), who favored the Patriot Act renewal but said the NSA issue provided valuable ammunition for its opponents." ("On Hill, Anger and Calls for Hearings Greet News ofStateside Surveillance," Washington Post, 12/17/05)

"Referring to what some see as a conflict between fighting vicious terrorists and upholding all civil liberties, Norquist said: 'It's not either/or. If the president thinks he needs different tools, pass a law to get them. Don't break the existing laws.' " ("Political opposites aligned against Bush wiretaps," San Francisco Chronicle, 1/26/06)

"Wallace: But you do not believe that currently he has the legal authority to engage in these warrantless wiretaps.
McCain: You know, I don't think so, but why not come to Congress?" (Fox News Sunday, 12/22/05)

"Chuck Hagel said he is looking forward to congressional hearings on the legal justification for the secretive National Security Agency program. He remains unconvinced that Bush could allow the program without fully consulting with the courts or Congress." ("Hagel UrgesBush to Explain Spy Program," Associated Press, 1/29/06) "If he needs more authority, he just can't unilaterally decide that that 1978 law is out of date and he will be the guardian of America and he will violate that law." (This Week, 1/29/06)

"It's bad to be spying on Americans apparently in violation of federal laws against doing it without court order. So it's bad all around, and we need to get to the bottom of this. . .And if we're going to say, well, simply because some people think that this is a new threat, we're going to throw the constitution and specific laws out the window and let a president rule by the seat of his pants, is extremely dangerous, and it's uncalled for. The president had full authority to have done this under the law. He apparently chose not to, and we need to find out why? . . . Well, I am because the law provides very vast authority, and for the president, or Frank Gaffney to justify the president saying even though I have the authority under the law to do it, I have to take certain steps, I'm just going to ignore that, puts us in a situation where we've seen in decades past, with Mr. Nixon, with President Lincoln and others, President Truman, when they overstep their bounds, they need to be held accountable.
12:33 PM :: ::

The Bulldog Manifesto :: permalink

Impeachment from California?

The City and County of San Francisco are trying to pass a resolution for impeachment.
"The proposed resolution will direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to send copies of the resolution, if and when it passes, to statewide elected officials including Representative Nancy Pelosi and Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, to the California Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and all members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee."
12:21 PM :: ::

The Bulldog Manifesto :: permalink

Did Vermont Hear Our Calls?

Monday, February 06, 2006
Last week, the Impeach Bush Coalition sent out emails to various State Legislators, requesting that they take advantage of US House Rules Section 603.

Most of the positive feedback seemed to come back from Vermont legislators.

This weekend, a Vermont town seems to be taking some action.

Go Vermont! Impeach Bush!

Another Impeachable Offense

Friday, February 03, 2006
David Corn sets forth yet another impeachable offense.

Is it me, or does it seem like each month brings forward one more impeachable offense?

Rhode Island Candidate Calls For Impeachment

Carl Sheeler is running for Congress in Rhode Island. One of his election billboards reads: "Be Patriotic, Impeach Bush"
Calling the Bush administration, "a partisan machine of fear and empty promises," Sheeler said, "It’s time we as ordinary citizens stop talking and start acting to bring the change we want to see in our America."

Bravo Mr. Sheeler! BRAVO!


Fox News Cannot Ignore Impeachment

If only we could impeach O'Reilly too.

The Good, The Bad... And The Funny

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Here are some responses from our email campaign...so far.


From Rep. David Zuckerman of Vermont:
Thank you for sending this to me. I have been very interested in why
impeachment process has not been started. I will forward this to
legislative council to see how to proceed.

Thank you-
Rep. David Zuckerman
Burlington (Progressive)

Note: Rep. Zuckerman is running for Congress!


From Larry Liston of Colorado:
Not only no, but HELL NO.
Take me off your list.

Rep. Larry Liston


From IBC Member Ken Grandlund of the blog Common Sense, in response to Rep. Liston's "HELL NO" email:

"Dear Rep. Liston,

Thanks so much for your considerate response to my letter.
It is always nice to hear back from an elected official is such a professional manner.
I will be sure to contact you in the future regarding issues of importance to our nation.


Ken Grandlund"

Thanks to Ken Grandlund of Common Sense!!

Letter to State Legislators

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
OK, I just had to do it.

I compiled the email addresses for almost all of the state legislators in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont!

Then, I wrote a letter.

Please cut and paste the following letter into an email and send it to each of the State Legislators' email addresses (see below).


Subject: Impeachment Of George W. Bush Can Begin In the State Legislatures

Dear State Legislator,

I am writing to you because you are this nation's last line of defense. President George W. Bush has committed numerous impeachable offenses. Unfortunately, the Republican-dominated U.S. House of Representatives has repeatedly shown that it will not perform its role as a check to President Bush's unconstitutional powers.

Thankfully, Section 603 of the United States House Rules provides for the inception of impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives "by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State."

Section 603 states, inter alia:
"Inception of impeachment proceedings in the House.>> House of Representatives there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion: by charges made on the floor on the responsibility of a Member or Delegate (II, 1303; III, 2342, 2400, 2469; VI, 525, 526, 528, 535, 536); by charges preferred by a memorial, which is usually referred to a committee for examination (III, 2364, 2491, 2494, 2496, 2499, 2515; VI, 543); or by a resolution dropped in the hopper by a Member and referred to a committee (Apr. 15, 1970, p. 11941-42; Oct. 23, 1973, p. 34873); by a message from the President (III, 2294, 2319; VI, 498); by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State (III, 2469) or Territory (III, 2487) or from a grand jury (III, 2488); or from facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House (III, 2399, 2444)."

As a concerned citizen, I respectfully request that your respective State Legislature consider the matter of impeachment and bring charges against President George W. Bush before the United States House of Representatives.

It was John Adams who said: "The executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them, to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men." And it was Supreme Court Justice James Wilson who stated: "Liberty and security in government depend not on the limits, which the rulers may please to assign to the exercise of their own powers, but on the boundaries, within which their powers are circumscribed by the constitution."

If the President of the United States is simply allowed to do as he pleases, why do we bother speaking about a Constitution? If the United States House of Representatives will not uphold the Constitution, then our form of government is doomed.

We the people call upon you! You are our last line of defense between tyranny. Please act immediately, before this President assumes even more power for himself.

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President.

dwalker@dccouncil.us,lcropp@dccouncil.us, jevans@dccouncil.us,cschwartz@dccouncil.us, dcatania@dccouncil.us,mendelson@dccouncil.us,kbrown@dccouncil.us,jgraham@dccouncil.us,kpatterson@dccouncil.us,afenty@dccouncil.us, orange@dccouncil.us, sambrose@dccouncil.us,vgray@dccouncil.us, mbarry@dccouncil.us,
house3@alhouse.org, greg.albritton@alhouse.org, Gerald.allen@alhouse.org, Locy.baker@alhouse.org, Mike.ball@alhouse.org, george.bandy@alhouse.org, Jim.barton@alhouse.org, Billy.Beasley@alhouse.org, Scott.beason@alhouse.org, Warren.beck@alhouse.org, Robert.Bentley@alhouse.org, Lucius.black@alhouse.org, Marcel.black@alhouse.org, Alan.boothe@alhouse.org, Barbara.boyd@alhouse.org, Dick.brewbaker@alhouse.org, Duwayne.bridges@alhouse.org, James.buskey@alhouse.org, Jim.carns@alhouse.org, Joe.carothers@alhouse.org, Tommy.carter@alhouse.org, William.clark@alhouse.org, Steve.clouse@alhouse.org, Linda.coleman@alhouse.org, Merika.coleman@alhouse.org, Spencer.collier@alhouse.org, Randy.davis@alhouse.org, Paul.demarco@alhouse.org, Bill.dukes@alhouse.org, Priscilla.dunn@alhouse.org, Joe.faust@alhouse.org, Lea.fite@alhouse.org, Craig.ford@alhouse.org, Betty.graham@alhouse.org, Ronald.grantland@alhouse.org, Ken.guin@alhouse.org, Albert.hall@alhouse.org, Laura.hall@alhouse.org, Seth.hammett@alhouse.org, Alvin.holmes@alhouse.org, Ralph.howard@alhouse.org, Steve.hurst@alhouse.org,
Thomas.Jackson@alhouse.org, Yvonne.kennedy@alhouse.org, John.knight@alhouse.org,
Richard.laird@alhouse.org, Allen.layson@alhouse.org, John.letson@alhouse.org, Richard.Lindsey@alhouse.org, Jay.love@alhouse.org, Eric.major@alhouse.org, James.martin@alhouse.org, Thad.mclammy@alhouse.org, Jim.mcclendon@alhouse.org, Jeff.mcclaughlin@alhouse.org, Steve.mcmillan@alhouse.org, Bryant.melton@alhouse.org, Mike.millican@alhouse.org, Joseph.Mitchell@alhouse.org, Mary.moore@alhouse.org, Neal.Morrison@alhouse.org, Johnny.morrow@alhouse.org, Albert.morton@alhouse.org, Charles.Newton@alhouse.org, Demetrius.Newton@alhouse.org, Jeremy.oden@alhouse.org, Jack.page@alhouse.org, Arthur.payne@alhouse.org, George.perdue@alhouse.org, John.robinson@alhouse.org, Oliver.robinson@alhouse.org, John.Rodgers@alhouse.org, Yusaf.salaam@alhouse.org, Howard.sanderford@alhouse.org, Sue.Schmitz@alhouse.org, Tommy.sherer@alhouse.org, Terry.spicer@alhouse.org, William.thigpen@alhouse.org, Elwyn.thomas@alhouse.org, James.Thomas@alhouse.org, Lesley.vance@alhouse.org, Cam.ward@alhouse.org, Pebblin.warren@alhouse.org, Frank.white@alhouse.org, Jack.Williams@alhouse.org, Nick.Williams@alhouse.org, Randy.wood@alhouse.org, senbedford@aol.com, senbutler@aol.com, novascotiarb@hotmail.com, bobby@bobbydenton.com, ldixon@albme.org, senatorerwin@aol.com, vdfigures@aol.com, steve.french@alsenate.gov, tedlittle@mindspring.com, zeblittle@earthlink.net, ebmc@bellsouth.net, wmitchell@faulkner.edu, legislator@mclo.org, myronpenn28@hotmail.com, poole@mound.net, Senrob1@aol.com, qtross2002@hotmail.com, bsingle164@yahoo.com, harriannesmith@graceba.net, rodger99@bellsouth.net, reps@Capitol.hawaii.gov, sens@Capitol.hawaii.gov, Rep.CoryAtkins@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DemetriusAtsalis@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BruceAyers@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RuthBalser@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnBinienda@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DeborahBlumer@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DanielBosley@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GarrettBradley@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ArthurBroadhurst@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AntonioCabral@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JenniferCallahan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ChristineCanavan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.StephenCanessa@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GaleCandaras@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MarkCarron@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PaulCasey@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.EdwardConnolly@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertCorreia@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MichaelCostello@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertCoughlin@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GeraldineCreedon@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.SeanCurran@Hou.State.MA.US, RDeleo@hwm.state.ma.us, Rep.VinnydeMacedo@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BrianDempsey@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.SalvatoreDiMasi@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PaulDonato@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ChristopherDonelan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JosephDriscoll@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesEldridge@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.LewisEvangelidis@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesFagan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ChristopherFallon@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MarkFalzone@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertFennell@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MikeFesta@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BarryFinegold@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JenniferFlanagan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DavidFlynn@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GloriaFox@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnFresolo@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PaulFrost@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.WilliamGalvin@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ColleenGarry@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.SusanGifford@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AnneGobi@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.EmileGoguen@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ThomasGolden@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ShirleyGomes@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MaryGrant@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.WilliamGreene@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DenisGuyer@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PatriciaHaddad@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GeoffreyHall@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertHargraves@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.LidaHarkins@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BradHill@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.KevinHonan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DonaldHumason@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.FrankHynes@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BradleyJones@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.LouisKafka@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MichaelKane@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RachelKaprielian@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JayKaufman@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DanielKeenan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnDKeenan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ThomasKennedy@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.KayKhan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PeterKocot@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertKoczera@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PeterKoutoujian@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PaulKujawski@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.StephenKulik@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.WilliamLantigua@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesLeary@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.StephenLeDuc@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnLepper@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DavidLinsky@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BarbaraL'Italien@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PaulLoscocco@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.LizMalia@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RonaldMariano@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesMarzilli@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesMiceli@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MichaelMoran@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.CharlesMurphy@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesMurphy@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.KevinMurphy@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PatrickNatale@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DavidNangle@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.HaroldNaughton@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertNyman@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ThomasOBrien@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GeneOFlaherty@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ShirleyOwens-Hicks@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MarieParente@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MatthewPatrick@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AnnePaulsen@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.VincentPedone@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AlicePeisch@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JeffreyPerry@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DouglasPetersen@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.GeorgePeterson@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ThomasPetrolati@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AnthonyPetruccelli@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.SmittyPignatelli@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ElizabethPoirier@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.KarynPolito@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.SusanPope@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnQuinn@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.KathiReinstein@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.CherylRivera@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MichaelRodrigues@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MaryRogeness@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnRogers@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RichardRoss@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MikeRush@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ByronRushing@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JeffreySanchez@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.TomSannicandro@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AngeloScaccia@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JohnScibak@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.CarlSciortino@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ToddSmola@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.FrankSmizik@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.TheodoreSpeliotis@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.RobertSpellane@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JoyceSpiliotis@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ChristopherSperanzo@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MarieSt.Fleur@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.HarriettStanley@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.ThomasStanley@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.EllenStory@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.WilliamStraus@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DavidSullivan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BenjaminSwan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.KathleenTeahan@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.WalterTimilty@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AStephenTobin@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.TimothyToomey@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DavidTorrisi@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PhilipTravis@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.EricTurkington@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.CleonTurner@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesVallee@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AnthonyVerga@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JosephWagner@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.BrianWallace@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.PatriciaWalrath@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MartinWalsh@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.StevenWalsh@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MartyWalz@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.DanielWebster@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.JamesWelch@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.AliceWolf@Hou.State.MA.US, Robert.Antonioni@state.ma.us, Edward.Augustus@state.ma.us, Steven.Baddour@state.ma.us, Jarrett.Barrios@state.ma.us, Frederick.Berry@state.ma.us, Stephen.Brewer@state.ma.us, Scott.P.Brown@state.ma.us, Stephen.Buoniconti@state.ma.us, Harriette.Chandler@state.ma.us, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us, Cynthia.Creem@state.ma.us, Susan.Fargo@state.ma.us, John.Hart@state.ma.us, Robert.Havern@state.ma.us, Robert.Hedlund@state.ma.us, Patricia.Jehlen@state.ma.us, Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, Michael.Knapik@state.ma.us, Brian.Lees@state.ma.us, Thomas.McGee@state.ma.us, Joan.Menard@state.ma.us, Mark.Montigny@state.ma.us, Richard.Moore@state.ma.us, Michael.W.Morrissey@state.ma.us, Therese.Murray@state.ma.us, Robert.O'Leary@state.ma.us, Marc.Pacheco@state.ma.us, Steven.Panagiotakos@state.ma.us, Pamela.Resor@state.ma.us, Stan.Rosenberg@state.ma.us, Karen.E.Spilka@state.ma.us, Bruce.Tarr@state.ma.us, James.Timilty@state.ma.us, Richard.Tisei@state.ma.us, Steven.Tolman@state.ma.us, Robert.Travaglini@state.ma.us, Susan.Tucker@state.ma.us, Marian.Walsh@state.ma.us, Dianne.Wilkerson@state.ma.us, rep-mccauley@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-moura@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ajello@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-fox@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-desimone@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-wasylyk@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-giannini@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-williams@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-slater@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-diaz@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-almeida@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-smith@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-lima@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-palumbo@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-jacquard@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-handy@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mcnamara@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-gemma@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-naughton@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ginaitt@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-flaherty@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-trillo@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-williamson@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-murphy@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-landroche@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-moffitt@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-sullivan@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-watson@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-carter@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ehrhardt@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-lally@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-caprio@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-shanley@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mchugh@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-lewiss@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-kennedy@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-scott@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-gorham@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mumford@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ucci@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-voccola@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-petrarca@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-menard@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-mcmanus@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-pacheco@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-church@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-laroche@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-brien@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-picard@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-singleton@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-winfield@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-schadone@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-corvese@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-faria@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-moran@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-sanbento@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-oneill@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-ecoderre@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-kilmartin@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-dennigan@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-rose@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-melo@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-story@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-malik@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-anguilla@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-gallison@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-amaral@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-loughlin@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-rice@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-jackson@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-long@rilin.state.ri.us, rep-crowley@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-goodwin@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-pichardo@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-perry@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-ruggerio@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-caprio@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-metts@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-ciccone@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-doyle@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-alves@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-felag@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-levesque@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-gibbs@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-paivaweed@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-daponte@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-mcburney@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-issa@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-montalbano@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-damiani@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-connors@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-badeau@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-blais@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-tassoni@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-fogarty@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-cote@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-polisena@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-lanzi@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-gallo@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-roberts@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-mccaffrey@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-walaska@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-revens@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-bates@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-raptakis@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-breene@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-lenihan@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-sheehan@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-sosnowski@rilin.state.ri.us, sen-algiere@rilin.state.ri.us, acinapur@together.net, stevenadams@leg.state.vt.us, scadams@vermontel.net, ALLS51@aol.com, JAncel@leg.state.vt.us, katkins@leg.state.vt.us, DBarnard@leg.state.vt.us, dbbcuts@aol.com,
lbohi@leg.state.vt.us, clbohi@sover.net, kwa138@aol.com, dbostic@leg.state.vt.us, bostic@kingcon.com, jbaker@leg.state.vt.us, littledodgetruck@cs.com, joseph.baker@ae.ge.com, JCondon@leg.state.vt.us, jim@condonforcolchester.com, aclarkson@leg.state.vt.us, gsclark@adelphia.net, hchen@leg.state.vt.us, bbotzow@leg.state.vt.us, botzow@sover.net, WCanfield@leg.state.vt.us, cbranagan@leg.state.vt.us, dunmore@adelphia.net, pbrennan@leg.state.vt.us, patrickbrennan96@msn.com, SCopelandHanzas@leg.state.vt.us, pflory@leg.state.vt.us, RP3229@aol.com, kendres@leg.state.vt.us, Kendresult@msn.com, rdostis@leg.state.vt.us, rdostis@adelphia.net, mfisher@leg.state.vt.us, jerrecart@usa.net, AEmmons@leg.state.vt.us, gfallar@leg.state.vt.us, gfallar@sover.net, tinmouth@tax.state.vt.us, sedwards@leg.state.vt.us, sedwards1515@yahoo.com, bdunsmore@leg.state.vt.us, jdonovan@leg.state.vt.us, jdonovan38@adelphia.net, DEvans@leg.state.vt.us, ekavans@aol.com, adonaghy@leg.state.vt.us, andy05764@aol.com,
showard@leg.state.vt.us, chouston@leg.state.vt.us, adonahue@leg.state.vt.us, counterp@tds.net, tcorcoran@leg.state.vt.us, mgrad@leg.state.vt.us, maxjg@wcvt.com, rhelm@leg.state.vt.us, hhead@leg.state.vt.us, helen.head@verizon.net, gcross@leg.state.vt.us, CHosford@leg.state.vt.us, crhosford@madriver.com, mpheath@aol.com, SHaas@leg.state.vt.us, shaas@sover.net, agervais@leg.state.vt.us, pfrench@leg.state.vt.us, SDates@leg.state.vt.us, sdates@adelphia.net, ddeen@leg.state.vt.us, Rep.BillFrank@verizon.net, Huberick@sover.net, SGreen@leg.state.vt.us, sjgreen@sover.net, TJerman@leg.state.vt.us, vrunner56@aol.com, pdhunt@leg.state.vt.us, pdhunt@yahoo.com, skennedy@leg.state.vt.us, peansk@juno.com, kkeenan@leg.state.vt.us, johnson@leg.state.vt.us, wjewett@leg.state.vt.us, wjewett@adelphia.net, bobkiss@verizon.net, tkoch@leg.state.vt.us, tklein@leg.state.vt.us, tklein@adelphia.net, wkitzmiller@leg.state.vt.us, warren@kitzmiller.com, dkilmartin@leg.state.vt.us, rexkilvt@together.net, nmcallister@leg.state.vt.us, LMartin@leg.state.vt.us, wildermont@pshift.com, jmasland@leg.state.vt.us, klavoie@leg.state.vt.us, Kathy.Lavoie2@verizon.net, cmartin@leg.state.vt.us, ctm@vermontel.com, rmarek@leg.state.vt.us, MMarcotte@leg.state.vt.us, jimkwik@surfglobal.net, mlarson@leg.state.vt.us, marklvt@verizon.net, smaier@leg.state.vt.us, rmarron@leg.state.vt.us, Dickmarron@aol.com, JMalcolm@leg.state.vt.us, jlorber@leg.state.vt.us, RLawrence@leg.state.vt.us, jkrawczyk@leg.state.vt.us, krawjc@sover.net, wlippert@leg.state.vt.us, LLeriche@leg.state.vt.us, leriche@adelphia.net, MKupersmith@leg.state.vt.us, jmccullough@leg.state.vt.us, pkomline@mindspring.com, slarrabee@leg.state.vt.us, SMinter@leg.state.vt.us, sue@sueminter.com, wmiller@leg.state.vt.us, elmorestor@aol.com, amiller@leg.state.vt.us, rmclaughlin@leg.state.vt.us, rozo@valley.net, FMcFaun@leg.state.vt.us, llarocque@leg.com, AMook@leg.state.vt.us, annemook@hotmail.comstate.vt.us, jmorley@leg.state.vt.us, johnmorley@adelphia.net, jmorley@leg.state.vt.us, johnmorley@adelphia.net, anitka@leg.state.vt.us, maples@ludl.tds.net, obie@leg.state.vt.us, KNiquette@leg.state.vt.us, RennNiquette@aol.com, bnuovo@leg.state.vt.us, fnease@leg.state.vt.us, lmyers@leg.state.vt.us, themyers@attglobal.net, odonnell2@adelphia.net, KPellett@leg.state.vt.us, kathy4house@vermontel.net, cpartridge@leg.state.vt.us, hoparwel@sover.net, hotterman@leg.state.vt.us, aparent@leg.state.vt.us, aparent2002@hotmail.com, aparent@pizzagalli.com, dpillsbury@leg.state.vt.us, mpeterson@leg.state.vt.us, marypeterson@adelphia.net, aperry@leg.state.vt.us, perryvt@together.net, michael.reese@valley.net, jrodgers@leg.state.vt.us, jbdjrodgers@yahoo.com, apugh@leg.state.vt.us, DPotter@leg.state.vt.us, shadmtn@msn.com, brusten@sover.net, eshand@leg.state.vt.us, severance@bsadpo.emba.uvm.edu, dsunderland@leg.state.vt.us, ssmith@leg.state.vt.us, shapv@aol.com, ssmith@dinse.com, hsmith@leg.state.vt.us, lshaw@leg.state.vt.us, lts1@together.net, dsharpe@leg.state.vt.us, speaker@leg.state.vt.us, dsweaney@leg.state.vt.us, jtracy@leg.state.vt.us, itrombley@leg.state.vt.us, myoung@leg.state.vt.us, kwright@leg.state.vt.us, jwinters@leg.state.vt.us, rivside@together.net, lvalliere@leg.state.vt.us, dzuckerman@leg.state.vt.us, DTurner@leg.state.vt.us, cayer@leg.state.vt.us, sbartlett@leg.state.vt.us, jcampbell@leg.state.vt.us, vt13@aol.com, jcondos@leg.state.vt.us, dcollins@leg.state.vt.us, acummings@leg.state.vt.us, gcoppenrath@leg.state.vt.us, george.coppenrath@gmail.com, mdunne@leg.state.vt.us, wdoyle@leg.state.vt.us, rgander@leg.state.vt.us, hgiard@leg.state.vt.us, EFlanagan@leg.state.vt.us, janek45@hotmail.com, skittell@leg.state.vt.us, villuzzi@leg.state.vt.us, jleddy@leg.state.vt.us, vlyons@leg.state.vt.us, vvlyons@cs.com, mmacdonald@leg.state.vt.us, senatormark@aol.com, Hull@sover.net, hmiller@leg.state.vt.us, hinda@deforestconcepts.com, pscott14@aol.com, kjmbjm@aol.com, rsears@leg.state.vt.us, dsnelling@leg.state.vt.us, jwhite@leg.state.vt.us, mark@markshepard.us, WWilton@leg.state.vt.us, wiltons@sover.net, ahern.john@leg.wa.gov, alexander.gary@leg.wa.gov, anderson.glenn@leg.wa.gov, appleton.sherry@leg.wa.gov, armstrong.mike@leg.wa.gov, bailey.barbara@leg.wa.gov, benson.brad@leg.wa.gov, benton.don@leg.wa.gov, berkey.jean@leg.wa.gov, blake.brian@leg.wa.gov, brandland.dale@leg.wa.gov, brown.lisa@leg.wa.gov, buck.jim@leg.wa.gov, buri.david@leg.wa.gov, campbell.tom@leg.wa.gov, carrell.michael@leg.wa.gov, chandler.bruce@leg.wa.gov, chase.maralyn@leg.wa.gov, chopp.frank@leg.wa.gov, clibborn.judy@leg.wa.gov, cody.eileen@leg.wa.gov, condotta.cary@leg.wa.gov, conway.steve@leg.wa.gov, cox.don@leg.wa.gov, crouse.larry@leg.wa.gov, curtis.richard@leg.wa.gov, darneille.j@leg.wa.gov, debolt.richard@leg.wa.gov, deccio.alex@leg.wa.gov, delvin.jerome@leg.wa.gov, dickerson.marylou@leg.wa.gov, doumit.mark@leg.wa.gov, dunn.jim@leg.wa.gov, dunshee.hans@leg.wa.gov, eickmeyer.william@leg.wa.gov, eide.tracey@leg.wa.gov, ericks.mark@leg.wa.gov, ericksen.doug@leg.wa.gov, esser.luke@leg.wa.gov, fairley.darlene@leg.wa.gov, finkbeiner.bill@leg.wa.gov, flannigan.dennis@leg.wa.gov, franklin.rosa@leg.wa.gov, fraser.karen@leg.wa.gov, fromhold.bill@leg.wa.gov, grant.william@leg.wa.gov, green.tami@leg.wa.gov, haigh.kathy@leg.wa.gov, haler.larry@leg.wa.gov, hankins.shirley@leg.wa.gov, hargrove.jim@leg.wa.gov, hasegawa.bob@leg.wa.gov, haugen.marymargaret@leg.wa.gov, hewitt.mike@leg.wa.gov, hinkle.bill@leg.wa.gov, holmquist.janea@leg.wa.gov, honeyford.jim@leg.wa.gov, hudgins.zack@leg.wa.gov, hunt.sam@leg.wa.gov, hunter.ross@leg.wa.gov, jacobsen.ken@leg.wa.gov, jarrett.fred@leg.wa.gov, johnson.stephen@leg.wa.gov, kagi.ruth@leg.wa.gov, kastama.jim@leg.wa.gov, keiser.karen@leg.wa.gov, kenney.phyllis@leg.wa.gov, kessler.lynn@leg.wa.gov, kilmer.derek@leg.wa.gov, kirby.steve@leg.wa.gov, kline.adam@leg.wa.gov, kohl-welles.jeanne@leg.wa.gov, kretz.joel@leg.wa.gov, kristiansen.dan@leg.wa.gov, lantz.patricia@leg.wa.gov, linville.kelli@leg.wa.gov, lovick.john@leg.wa.gov, mcauliffe.rosemary@leg.wa.gov, mccaslin.bob@leg.wa.gov, mccoy.john@leg.wa.gov, mccune.jim@leg.wa.gov, mcdermott.joe@leg.wa.gov, mcdonald.joyce@leg.wa.gov, mcintire.jim@leg.wa.gov, miloscia.mark@leg.wa.gov, moeller.jim@leg.wa.gov, morrell.dawn@leg.wa.gov, morris.jeff@leg.wa.gov, morton.bob@leg.wa.gov, murray.edward@leg.wa.gov, newhouse.dan@leg.wa.gov, nixon.toby@leg.wa.gov, obrien.al@leg.wa.gov, oke.bob@leg.wa.gov, orcutt.ed@leg.wa.gov, ormsby.timm@leg.wa.gov, parlette.linda@leg.wa.gov, pearson.kirk@leg.wa.gov, pettigrew.eric@leg.wa.gov, pflug.cheryl@leg.wa.gov, poulsen.erik@leg.wa.gov, prentice.margarita@leg.wa.gov, pridemore.craig@leg.wa.gov, priest.skip@leg.wa.gov, quall.dave@leg.wa.gov, rasmussen.marilyn@leg.wa.gov, regala.debbie@leg.wa.gov, roach.dan@leg.wa.gov, roach.pam@leg.wa.gov, roberts.maryhelen@leg.wa.gov, rockefeller.phil@leg.wa.gov, rodne.jay@leg.wa.gov, santos.sharon@leg.wa.gov, schindler.lynn@leg.wa.gov, schmidt.dave@leg.wa.gov, schoesler.mark@leg.wa.gov, schual-berke.shay@leg.wa.gov, sells.mike@leg.wa.gov, serben.john@leg.wa.gov, shabro.jan@leg.wa.gov, sheldon.timothy@leg.wa.gov, shin.paull@leg.wa.gov, simpson.geoff@leg.wa.gov, skinner.mary@leg.wa.gov, sommers.helen@leg.wa.gov, spanel.harriet@leg.wa.gov, springer.larry@leg.wa.gov, stevens.val@leg.wa.gov, strow.chris@leg.wa.gov, sullivan.brian@leg.wa.gov, sullivan.pat@leg.wa.gov, sump.bob@leg.wa.gov, swecker.dan@leg.wa.gov, takko.dean@leg.wa.gov, talcott.gigi@leg.wa.gov, thibaudeau.pat@leg.wa.gov, tom.rodney@leg.wa.gov, upthegrove.dave@leg.wa.gov, wallace.deb@leg.wa.gov, walsh.maureen@leg.wa.gov, weinstein.brian@leg.wa.gov, williams.brendan@leg.wa.gov, wood.alex@leg.wa.gov, woods.beverly@leg.wa.gov, zarelli.joseph@leg.wa.gov, boydt@arkleg.state.ar.us, spearcy@fai-pb.com, abernathyb@arkleg.state.ar.us, adcockp@arkleg.state.ar.us, berrys@arkleg.state.ar.us, bondw@arkleg.state.ar.us, bolinj@arkleg.state.ar.us, brights@arkleg.state.ar.us, burrism@arkleg.state.ar.us, chesterfieldl@arkleg.state.ar.us, childersm@arkleg.state.ar.us, clemonsb@arkleg.state.ar.us, cookd@arkleg.state.ar.us, cowlingk@arkleg.state.ar.us, creekmored@arkleg.state.ar.us, borhauers@arkleg.state.ar.us, dangeaul@arkleg.state.ar.us, daviso@arkleg.state.ar.us, dobbinss@arkleg.state.ar.us, dickinsont@arkleg.state.ar.us, dunnd@arkleg.state.ar.us, edwardsm@arkleg.state.ar.us,
elliottj@arkleg.state.ar.us, fited@arkleg.state.ar.us, evansd@arkleg.state.ar.us, glidewellf@arkleg.state.ar.us, hardwickh@arkleg.state.ar.us,
hutchinsonj@arkleg.state.ar.us, georgen@arkleg.state.ar.us, flowerss@arkleg.state.ar.us, steve@steveharrelson.com, greenr@arkleg.state.ar.us, gossk@arkleg.state.ar.us, harrise@arkleg.state.ar.us, jacksonp@arkleg.state.ar.us, hutchinsont@arkleg.state.ar.us, johnsond@arkleg.state.ar.us, jeffreyr@arkleg.state.ar.us, keyj@arkleg.state.ar.us, johnsonj@arkleg.state.ar.us, kiddr@arkleg.state.ar.us, lamoureuxm@arkleg.state.ar.us, ledbetters@arkleg.state.ar.us, lewellenw@arkleg.state.ar.us, mackd@arkleg.state.ar.us, maxwella@arkleg.state.ar.us, mathisb@arkleg.state.ar.us, martinm@arkleg.state.ar.us, martinj@arkleg.state.ar.us, malochb@arkleg.state.ar.us, medleyj@arkleg.state.ar.us, dustnicholsw@arkleg.state.ar.us, in@dustinmcdaniel.com, overbeyg@arkleg.state.ar.us, nortonj@arkleg.state.ar.us, paced@arkleg.state.ar.us, pickettb@arkleg.state.ar.us, pritchardb@arkleg.state.ar.us, praters@arkleg.state.ar.us, pyleb@arkleg.state.ar.us, raineyd@arkleg.state.ar.us, raglandr@arkleg.state.ar.us, reepg@arkleg.state.ar.us, rankinr@arkleg.state.ar.us, roebuckt@arkleg.state.ar.us, saundersr@arkleg.state.ar.us,
rosenbaums@arkleg.state.ar.us, schultes@arkleg.state.ar.us, scrogginp@arkleg.state.ar.us, stovallb@arkleg.state.ar.us, smithl@arkleg.state.ar.us,
sullivans@arkleg.state.ar.us, thomasonc@arkleg.state.ar.us, sumpterd@arkleg.state.ar.us, verkampj@arkleg.state.ar.us, thompsonr@arkleg.state.ar.us, thyerc@arkleg.state.ar.us, willisa@arkleg.state.ar.us,
walterss@arkleg.state.ar.us, woodj@arkleg.state.ar.us, willsr@arkleg.state.ar.us, aaltes@aol.com, jargue@arkleg.state.ar.us, bookoutj@arkleg.state.ar.us, bakerg@arkleg.state.ar.us, bryless@arkleg.state.ar.us, cappsj@arkleg.state.ar.us,
sbroadway@arkleg.state.ar.us, cnhc@juno.com, hendrenk@arkleg.state.ar.us, jcritcher@arkleg.state.ar.us, jhill@arkleg.state.ar.us, higginbothoms@arkleg.state.ar.us, holtj@arkleg.state.ar.us, bhorn@arkleg.state.ar.us,
gjeffress@arkleg.state.ar.us, lukerj@arkleg.state.ar.us, jjeffress@arkleg.state.ar.us, madisons@arkleg.state.ar.us, pmalone@arkleg.state.ar.us, msalmon@arkleg.state.ar.us, tsteele@arkleg.state.ar.us, tsmith@arkleg.state.ar.us, whitakerr@arkleg.state.ar.us, swomack@arkleg.state.ar.us, hwilkins@arkleg.state.ar.us, twooldridge@arkleg.state.ar.us, senator.Aanestad@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Ackerman@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Alarcón@sen.ca.gov,
Senator.Alquist@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Ashburn@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Battin@sen.ca.gov,
Senator.Bowen@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Campbell@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Cedillo@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Chesbro@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Cox@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Denham@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Ducheny@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Dunn@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Dutton@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Escutia@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Figueroa@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Florez@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Hollingsworth@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Kehoe@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Kuehl@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Lowenthal@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Machado@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Maldonado@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Margett@sen.ca.gov, senator.McClintock@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Migden@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Morrow@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Murray@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Ortiz@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Perata@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Poochigian@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Romero@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Runner@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Scott@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Simitian@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Soto@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Speier@sen.ca.gov, Senator.Torlakson@sen.ca.gov,
debbie.benefield.house@state.co.us, alice.borodkin.house@state.co.us, betty.boyd.house@state.co.us, Bernie.buescher.house@state.co.us, Bill.cadman.house@state.co.us, Morgan.carroll.house@state.co.us, Terrance.carroll.house@state.co.us, Michael.cerbo.house@state.co.us, Lauri.clapp.house@state.co.us, Mark.cloer.house@state.co.us, Fran.coleman.house@state.co.us, Bill.crane.house@state.co.us, Richard.decker.house@state.co.us, Jerry.frangas.house@state.co.us, Michael.garcia.house@state.co.us, Cory.gardner.house@state.co.us, Gwyn.green.house@state.co.us, Dale.hall.house@state.co.us, Ted.harvey.house@state.co.us, Lynn.hefley.house@state.co.us, Mary.hodge.house@state.co.us, Diane.hoppe.house@state.co.us, Cheri.jahn.house@state.co.us, Joel.judd.house@state.co.us, Keith.king.house@state.co.us, Jim.kerr.house@state.co.us, Matt.knoedler.house@state.co.us, Mark.larson.house@state.co.us, Gary.lindstrom.house@state.co.us, Larry.liston.house@state.co.us, Alice.madden.house@state.co.us, Rosemary.marshall.house@state.co.us, Tom.massey.house@state.co.us, Mike.may.house@state.co.us, Liane.mcfadyen.house@state.co.us, Anne.mcgihon.house@state.co.us, Wes.mckinley.house@state.co.us, Mike.merrifield.house@state.co.us, Angie.paccione.house@state.co.us, Tom.plant.house@state.co.us, John.pommer.house@state.co.us, Ann.ragsdale.house@state.co.us, James.reisberg.house@state.co.us, Andrew.romanoff.house@state.co.us, Ray.rose.house@state.co.us, David.schultheis.house@state.co.us, Judy.solano.house@state.co.us, John.soper.house@state.co.us, Debbie.stafford.house@state.co.us, Joe.stengel.house@state.co.us, Jim.sullivan.house@state.co.us, Nancy.todd.house@state.co.us, Valentin.vigil.house@state.co.us, Paul.weissmann.house@state.co.us, Jim.welker.house@state.co.us, Al.white.house@state.co.us, Robert.witwer.house@state.co.us, bbacon@peakpeak.com, greg@gregbrophy.net, lewis.entz.senate@state.co.us, joan.fitzgerald.senate@state.co.us, ken@kengordon.com, peter.groff.senate@state.co.us, dan@dangrossman.net, SenBob@msn.com, deanna.hanna.senate@state.co.us, isgarsenate@frontier.net, steve.johnson.senate@state.co.us, ed.jones.senate@state.co.us, moe.keller.senate@state.co.us, doug.lamborn.senate@state.co.us, ken.kester.senate@state.co.us, ronmay@ronmay.org, shawn.mitchell.senate@state.co.us,
Catherine.Abercrombie@cga.ct.gov, Al.adinolfi@cga.ct.gov, Mike.alberts@cga.ct.gov, David.aldarondo@cga.ct.gov, William.aman@cga.ct.gov, James.ammann@cga.ct.gov, Joe.aresimowicz@cga.ct.gov, Terry.backer@cga.ct.gov, Ryan.barry@cga.ct.gov, Reginald.beamon@cga.ct.gov, Richard.belden@cga.ct.gov, Elizabeth.boukus@cga.ct.gov, Juan.candaleria@cga.ct.gov, Michael.cardin@cga.ct.gov, Christopher.caruso@cga.ct.gov, Michael.christ@cga.ct.gov, Charles.clemons@cga.ct.gov, Stephen.dargan@cga.ct.gov, Paul.davis@cga.ct.gov, Konstantinos.diamantis@cga.ct.gov, Patricia.dillon@cga.ct.gov, Christopher.donovan@cga.ct.gov, Paul.doyle@cga.ct.gov, Thomas.drew@cga.ct.gov, William.dyson@cga.ct.gov, Louis.esposito@cga.ct.gov, Ruth.fahrbach@cga.ct.gov, Robert.farr@cga.ct.gov, Art.feltman@cga.ct.gov, Andre.fleischmann@cga.ct.gov, Steve.fontana@cga.ct.gov, Gerald.fox@cga.ct.gov, Mary.fritz@cga.ct.gov, Linda.gentile@cga.ct.gov, John.geragosian@cga.ct.gov, Lile.gibbons@cga.ct.gov, Janice.geigler@cga.ct.gov, Bob.godfrey@cga.ct.gov, Minnie.gonzalez@cga.ct.gov, Ted.graziani@cga.ct.gov, Kenneth.green@cga.ct.gov, Leonard.greene@cga.ct.gov, Antonio.guerrera@cga.ct.gov, Gail.hamm@cga.ct.gov, William.hamzy@cga.ct.gov, John.harkins@cga.ct.gov, Deborah.heinrich@cga.ct.gov, Ernest.hewett@cga.ct.gov, Claire.janowski@cga.ct.gov, Steve.jarmoc@cga.ct.gov, Shawn.johnston@cga.ct.gov, Ed.jutilia@cga.ct.gov, Robert.keeley@cga.ct.gov, Michael.lawlor@cga.ct.gov, Carlo.leone@cga.ct.gov, Joan.lewis@cga.ct.gov, Jack.malone@cga.ct.gov, Joseph.mann@cga.ct.gov, Evelyn.mantilla@cga.ct.gov, Lydia.martinez@cga.ct.gov, John.mazurek@cga.ct.gov, David.mccluskey@cga.ct.gov, Douglas.mccrory@cga.ct.gov,
Faith.mcmahon@cga.ct.gov, Robert.megna@cga.ct.gov, Denise.merrill@cga.ct.gov, Roger.michele@cga.ct.gov, Steven.mikutel@cga.ct.gov, Lawrence.miller@cga.ct.gov,
Craig.miner@cga.ct.gov, Joseph.mioli@cga.ct.gov, Edward.moukawsher@cga.ct.gov,
Mary.mushinsky@cga.ct.gov, Sandy.nafis@cga.ct.gov, Vickie.nardello@cga.ct.gov, Tim.obrien@cga.ct.gov, Brian.oconner@cga.ct.gov, Arthur.oneill@cga.ct.gov, James.orourke@cga.ct.gov, Melissa.olson@cga.ct.gov, Linda.orange@cga.ct.gov, Peter.panaroni@cga.ct.gov, Walter.pawelkiewicz@cga.ct.gov, Chris.perone@cga.ct.gov, Felipe.reinoso@cga.ct.gov, Tom.reynolds@cga.ct.gov, Elizabeth.ritter@cga.ct.gov, Richard.roy@cga.ct.gov, Anne.ruwet@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.ryan@cga.ct.gov, John.ryan@cga.ct.gov, Pamela.sawyer@cga.ct.gov, Peggy.sayers@cga.ct.gov, David.scribner@cga.ct.gov, Joseph.serra@cga.ct.gov, Jim.shapiro@cga.ct.gov, Donald.sherer@cga.ct.gov, James.spallone@cga.ct.gov, Cameron.staples@cga.ct.gov, John.stone@cga.ct.gov, Christopher.stone@cga.ct.gov, Kathleen.tallarita@cga.ct.gov, Peter.tercyak@cga.ct.gov, John.thompson@cga.ct.gov, Christel.truglia@cga.ct.gov, Cathy.tymniak@cga.ct.gov, Diana.urban@cga.ct.gov, Peter.villano@cga.ct.gov, Tomi.walker@cga.ct.gov, Lewis.wallace@cga.ct.gov, Robert.ward@cga.ct.gov, Julia.wasserman@cga.ct.gov, Patricia.widlitz@cga.ct.gov, George.wilber@cga.ct.gov, Sean.williams@cga.ct.gov, Roberta.willis@cga.ct.gov, Lenny.winkler@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.witkos@cga.ct.gov, Bruce.zalaski@cga.ct.gov, David.cappiello@cga.ct.gov, Biagio.ciotto@cga.ct.gov, Thomas.colapietro@cga.ct.gov, Eric.coleman@cga.ct.gov, Catherine.cook@cga.ct.gov, Joseph.crisco@cga.ct.gov, Eileen.daily@cga.ct.gov, Donald.defronzo@cga.ct.gov, Louis.deluca@cga.ct.gov, Bob.duff@cga.ct.gov, Leanord.fasano@cga.ct.gov, Bill.finch@cga.ct.gov, John.fonrara@cga.ct.gov, Judith.freedman@cga.ct.gov, Thomas.gaffey@cga.ct.gov, Edwin.gomes@cga.ct.gov, Toni.harp@cga.ct.gov, Jonathan.harris@cga.ct.gov, Thomas.herlihy@cga.ct.gov, John.kissel@cga.ct.gov, Gary.lebeau@cga.ct.gov, Martin.looney@cga.ct.gov, Andrew.mcdonald@cga.ct.gov, John.mckinney@cga.ct.gov, Edward.meyer@cga.ct.gov, Christopher.murphy@cga.ct.gov, Edith.prague@cga.ct.gov, Gayle.slossberg@cga.ct.gov, Andrea.stillman@cga.ct.gov, Donald.williams@cga.ct.gov, larep001@legis.state.la.us, larep002@legis.state.la.us, larep003@legis.state.la.us, larep004@legis.state.la.us, larep005@legis.state.la.us, larep006@legis.state.la.us, larep007@legis.state.la.us, larep008@legis.state.la.us, larep009@legis.state.la.us, larep010@legis.state.la.us, larep011@legis.state.la.us, larep012@legis.state.la.us, larep013@legis.state.la.us,
larep014@legis.state.la.us, larep015@legis.state.la.us, larep016@legis.state.la.us, larep017@legis.state.la.us, larep018@legis.state.la.us, larep019@legis.state.la.us, larep020@legis.state.la.us, larep021@legis.state.la.us, larep022@legis.state.la.us, larep023@legis.state.la.us, larep024@legis.state.la.us, larep025@legis.state.la.us, larep026@legis.state.la.us, larep027@legis.state.la.us, larep028@legis.state.la.us, larep029@legis.state.la.us, larep030@legis.state.la.us, larep031@legis.state.la.us, larep032@legis.state.la.us, larep033@legis.state.la.us, larep034@legis.state.la.us, larep035@legis.state.la.us, larep036@legis.state.la.us, larep037@legis.state.la.us, larep038@legis.state.la.us, larep039@legis.state.la.us, larep040@legis.state.la.us, larep041@legis.state.la.us, larep042@legis.state.la.us, larep043@legis.state.la.us, larep044@legis.state.la.us, larep045@legis.state.la.us, larep046@legis.state.la.us, larep047@legis.state.la.us, larep048@legis.state.la.us, larep049@legis.state.la.us, larep050@legis.state.la.us, larep051@legis.state.la.us, larep052@legis.state.la.us,
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eitmeierf@legis.state.la.us, hinesd@legis.state.la.us, jacksonl@legis.state.la.us, hollisk@legis.state.la.us, kostelka@legis.state.la.us, websen@legis.state.la.us, lentini@legis.state.la.us, lasen17@legis.state.la.us, malonem@legis.state.la.us, lasen29@legis.state.la.us, lasen23@legis.state.la.us, lasen27@legis.state.la.us, websen@legis.state.la.us, murraye@legis.state.la.us, quinnj@legis.state.la.us, romeroc@legis.state.la.us, schedlet@legis.state.la.us, theunisg@legis.state.la.us, smithmi@legis.state.la.us, websen@legis.state.la.us, websen@legis.state.la.us, mandr30420@aol.com, SenPhilip.Bartlett@legislature.maine.gov, phil@philbartlett.com, SenMichael.Brennan@legislature.maine.gov, mfpbren@aol.com, SenLynn.Bromley@legislature.maine.gov, SenBruce.Bryant@legislature.maine.gov, Sen.bryant@verizon.net, SenDean.Clukey@legislature.maine.gov, SenJon.Courtney@legislature.maine.gov, SenScott.Cowger@legislature.maine.gov, scott@MapleBB.com, dsdamon@panax.com, SenPaul.Davis@legislature.maine.gov, SenDavis@midmaine.com, danadow@midcoast.com, SenBeth.Edmonds@legislature.maine.gov, edmonds@gwi.net, SenKen.Gagnon@legislature.maine.gov, dhastings@hastings-law.com, SenBarry.Hobbins@legislature.maine.gov, bhobbins@hggm.net, SenJohn.Martin@legislature.maine.gov, SenArthur.Mayo@legislature.maine.gov, artmayo@gwi.net, pmills@mainelegal.net, SenLibby.Mitchell@legislature.maine.gov, SenRichard.Nass@legislature.maine.gov, SenJoe.Perry@legislature.maine.gov, SenDebra.Plowman@legislature.maine.gov, SenatorRaye@downeast.net, rrosen113@aol.com, mrotundo@bates.edu, SenChris.Savage@legislature.maine.gov, csavage@midcoast.com, schneidersenate@msn.com, SenLois.SnoweMello@legislature.maine.gov, Replois@megalink.net, strimling@mainesenate.org, npsullivan@gwi.net, SenKarl.Turner@legislature.maine.gov, KwTurner@yahoo.com, cweston@pivot.net, SenChandler.Woodcock@legislature.maine.gov, webmaster_sendems@legislature.maine.gov, webmaster_senreps@legislature.maine.gov, webmaster_senpres@legislature.maine.gov, webmaster_senate@legislature.maine.gov, gwilliamson@mail.senate.state.ms.us, jwilemon@mail.senate.state.ms.us, jwalls@mail.senate.state.ms.us, swalley@mail.senate.state.ms.us, bturner@mail.senate.state.ms.us, gtollison@mail.senate.state.ms.us, jthomas@mail.senate.state.ms.us, wsimmons@mail.senate.state.ms.us, lposey@mail.senate.state.ms.us, nmettetal@mail.senate.state.ms.us, elee@mail.senate.state.ms.us, djordan@mail.senate.state.ms.us, sjackson@mail.senate.state.ms.us, rjackson@mail.senate.state.ms.us, chydesmith@mail.senate.state.ms.us, jhorhn@mail.senate.state.ms.us, bharvey@mail.senate.state.ms.us, aharden@mail.senate.state.ms.us, jgordon@mail.senate.state.ms.us, tgollott@mail.senate.state.ms.us, hfrazier@mail.senate.state.ms.us, bdearing@mail.senate.state.ms.us, ddawkins@mail.senate.state.ms.us, scuevas@mail.senate.state.ms.us, kbutler@mail.senate.state.ms.us, nbrowning@mail.senate.state.ms.us, cyoung@mail.house.state.ms.us, mwhittington@mail.house.state.ms.us, pwatson@mail.house.state.ms.us, jwarren@mail.house.state.ms.us, jwalley@mail.house.state.ms.us, gward@mail.house.state.ms.us, rvince@mail.house.state.ms.us, mrogers@mail.house.state.ms.us, wrobinson@mail.house.state.ms.us, treynolds@mail.house.state.ms.us, wperkins@mail.house.state.ms.us, dperanich@mail.house.state.ms.us, dparker@mail.house.state.ms.us, dnorquist@mail.house.state.ms.us, bnicholson@mail.house.state.ms.us, dmyers@mail.house.state.ms.us, lmorris@mail.house.state.ms.us, pmontgomery@mail.house.state.ms.us, bmoak@mail.house.state.ms.us, bmoak@locnet.net, wmiles@mail.house.state.ms.us, amiddleton@mail.house.state.ms.us, wmcbride@mail.house.state.ms.us, jmayo@mail.house.state.ms.us, slane@mail.house.state.ms.us, rjohnson@mail.house.state.ms.us, gholloway@mail.house.state.ms.us, jhines@mail.house.state.ms.us, eharrison@mail.house.state.ms.us, beaton@mail.house.state.ms.us, rdickson@mail.house.state.ms.us, rcummings@mail.house.state.ms.us, jcompretta@mail.house.state.ms.us, mcoleman@mail.house.state.ms.us, lcoleman@mail.house.state.ms.us, acockerham@mail.house.state.ms.us, bclark@mail.house.state.ms.us, ccalhoun@mail.house.state.ms.us, cburnett@mail.house.state.ms.us, kbuck@mail.house.state.ms.us, cbrown@mail.house.state.ms.us, bbroomfield@mail.house.state.ms.us, sbounds@mail.house.state.ms.us, sbondurant@mail.house.state.ms.us, eblackmon@mail.house.state.ms.us, ebanks@mail.house.state.ms.us, ebanks@aol.com, Assemblymember.Baca@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Bass@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.berg@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.bermudez@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.ron.calderon@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Canciamilla@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Chan@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Chavez@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.chu@asm.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Cohn@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.coto@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.DeLaTorre@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.dymally@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Evans@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Frommer@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Goldberg@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.hancock@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Jerome.Horton@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.jones@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Karnette@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Koretz@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.laird@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.leno@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.levine@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblywoman.lieber@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Lieu@assembly.ca.gov, assemblymember.liu@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.matthews@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.montanez@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.mullin@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.nunez@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.McLeod@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Oropeza@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Pavley@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Parra@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.ridley-thomas@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Ruskin@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Vargas@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.wolk@assembly.ca.gov, Assemblymember.yee@assembly.ca.gov
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