Impeach Bush Coalition
A United Coalition of Bloggers for the Impeachment of George W. Bush

The Silence is Deafening

Thursday, June 29, 2006
Ignoring the Call to Impeach Bush
by Peter Phillips

If a national movement calling for the impeachment of the president is rapidly emerging and the corporate media are not covering it, is there really a national movement for the impeachment of the president?

Impeachment advocates are widely mobilizing in the US. Over 1,000 letters to the editors of major newspapers have been printed in the past six months asking for impeachment. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette letter writer George Matus says, "I am still enraged over unasked questions about exit polls, touch-screen voting, Iraq, the cost of the new Medicare … who formulated our energy policy, Jack Abramoff, the Downing Street Memos and impeachment."


Fox News Talks Impeachment

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
News Hounds has the run-down, HERE.

Dave Lindorff Takes Impeachment on the Road

Monday, June 26, 2006
One of the authors of the exceptional book The Case for Impeachment, Dave Lindorff, is out on the road promoting his book...and impeachment.

"Over this past week, I had a few experiences in the course of several book events for The Case for Impeachment which both illustrate the importance of this constitutionally important method of checking the actions of dangerous or criminal presidents, and the difficulty of doing so.

On Friday, I debated my Counterpunch editor, Jeff St. Clair, in a forum that was part of the International Socialist Organization conference at Columbia University in New York. Jeff crushed my argument in favor of impeachment at that forum with a brilliant monologue of one-liners that made John Stewart's "Daily Show" seem like a Dick Cavett re-run. Declaring that Bush had in five years managed to destroy the U.S. military, U.S. imperialist strategy, the U.S. economy, and any remaining credibility that the New York Times might have once had, he asked the assembled radicals in the audience to "just imagine what else he could accomplish in just two more years in office!"

More HERE.
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Support the California Impeachment Resolution

Friday, June 23, 2006
As some of you may know, there is a proposed impeachment resolution in California. Support for the resolution is growing, but it sure would be nice to pressure the California Legislature some more.

We sure could use your help. If California passes an impeachment resolution, it would be a huge triumph for the nation.

If you live in California, it's pretty damn easy to help out. Simply cut and paste the following proposed letter (or write your own!) into the following action page, HERE.

If you don't live in California, it's still easy to help out, but you can't use the action page. Instead, simply cut and paste the following proposed letter and email it to all of the state legislators. I have provided an email list at the end of the letter.

And now, the letter....

Dear California Legislator:

I am a concerned citizen, alarmed about the illegal and unchecked actions of President George Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney. Through a rarely exercised statute of the Jefferson Manual of the House Rules, section 603, State legislatures may set impeachment in motion. Recently your colleague, Assemblymember Paul Koretz, introduced AJR 39, a resolution calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush and
Vice President Richard Cheney.

I am writing to strongly encourage you to become a co-sponsor of this bill. Below are just a few of the undisputable illegal actions that these two "leaders" have taken on behalf of the American people. Our country's status as a beacon of democracy has been tarnished against our knowledge and will. We must hold them accountable for the carnage George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have wrought upon our great nation.

The Impeachable Offenses:

I. Conspiracy to Defraud Congress & the American People:

Lying to Congress & the American people about the reasons for the Iraq war; exceeding Presidential authority in violation of Article II of the Constitution and the War Powers Act

A. Lying about the urgency of the threat from Iraq
B. Lying about the Iraq-al Qaeda connection
C. Lying about the status of Iraq's nuclear program
D. Lying about uranium from Niger
E. Lying about aluminum tubes
F. Lying about chemical & biological weapons
G. Lying about unmanned aerial vehicles
H. Lying about mobile weapons labs
I. Conspiracy

II. Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Negligence & Obstruction of Justice:

A. Ignoring warnings about 9/11
B. Obstructing investigations into 9/11
C. Conspiracy

III. Conspiracy to Violate the Rights of Citizens & Residents of the United States:

A. Detaining without charge
B. Denying the right to a fair, speedy, public trial
C. Denying the right to habeas corpus
D. Misusing the NSA to spy on citizens, violating the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution & the FISA
E. Conspiracy

IV. Conspiracy to Violate the Intelligence Identities Protection Act & the Espionage Act, and Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice:

A. Allowing the disclosure of the name of Valerie Plame Wilson
B. Lying to the American people about the President's role in the disclosure
C. Obstructing justice by lying about the President's personal, direct knowledge of the leak
D. Conspiracy

V. Conspiracy to Violate International Laws that Carry the Full Force of U.S. Law Under the United States Constitution:

A. International Law
B. Nuremberg Tribunal Charter
C. Geneva Conventions
D. Torture
E. Rendition
F. Illegal Invasion of Iraq
G. Conspiracy

VI. Conspiracy to Abuse Power, Violate the U.S. Constitution, & Commit Criminal Negligence:

A. Abuse of power - Separation of Powers - "Unitary Executive"
B. Criminal negligence - Katrina
C. Criminal negligence - Failure to protect U.S. military service members in combat zones
D. More here - treaties, environment, etc.
E. Corruption
F. Conspiracy



And now the email list...

California Legislators:

Thanks to Bruce Sims of the San Diego Impeach Bush Meet-Up for writing a portion of this letter. Also, thanks to the National Lawyers Guild, Chicago chapter, for writing a portion of this letter.

It's Worth Mentioning Again

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Are you aware that there are "Impeach Bush" clubs and meet-up groups in cities all over the nation?

Care to meet like-minded people in your city to get active about impeachment?

If so, go HERE.

More Impeachable Offenses

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers Guild has posted about Bush's impeachable offenses.

The Impeachable Offenses:

I. Conspiracy to Defraud Congress & the American People:

Lying to Congress & the American people about the reasons for the Iraq war; exceeding Presidential authority in violation of Article II of the Constitution and the War Powers Act

A. Lying about the urgency of the threat from Iraq
B. Lying about the Iraq-al Qaeda connection
C. Lying about the status of Iraq's nuclear program
D. Lying about uranium from Niger
E. Lying about aluminum tubes
F. Lying about chemical & biological weapons
G. Lying about unmanned aerial vehicles
H. Lying about mobile weapons labs
I. Conspiracy

II. Conspiracy to Commit Criminal Negligence & Obstruction of Justice:

A. Ignoring warnings about 9/11
B. Obstructing investigations into 9/11
C. Conspiracy

III. Conspiracy to Violate the Rights of Citizens & Residents of the United States:

A. Detaining without charge
B. Denying the right to a fair, speedy, public trial
C. Denying the right to habeas corpus
D. Misusing the NSA to spy on citizens, violating the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution & the FISA
E. Conspiracy

IV. Conspiracy to Violate the Intelligence Identities Protection Act & the Espionage Act, and Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice:

A. Allowing the disclosure of the name of Valerie Plame Wilson
B. Lying to the American people about the President's role in the disclosure
C. Obstructing justice by lying about the President's personal, direct knowledge of the leak
D. Conspiracy

V. Conspiracy to Violate International Laws that Carry the Full Force of U.S. Law Under the United States Constitution:

A. International Law
B. Nuremberg Tribunal Charter
C. Geneva Conventions
D. Torture
E. Rendition
F. Illegal Invasion of Iraq
G. Conspiracy

VI. Conspiracy to Abuse Power, Violate the U.S. Constitution, & Commit Criminal Negligence:

A. Abuse of power - Separation of Powers - "Unitary Executive"
B. Criminal negligence - Katrina
C. Criminal negligence - Failure to protect U.S. military service members in combat zones
D. More here - treaties, environment, etc.
E. Corruption
F. Conspiracy


Ten Reasons Why Bush Needs to Be Impeached

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Listen to the audio detailing the ten most serious why Bush should be impeached. Please spread this around.

This is from David Lindorff, co-author of The Case for Impeachment.

Source: June 17 interview by Laura Flanders on Air America's Radio Nation

Impeach Bush-- Watch the Short Video

Monday, June 19, 2006
Check it out HERE.
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Blast From the Past

Thursday, June 15, 2006
I originally posted this back in December of 2005. It's worth repeating again.

What were they saying back when Clinton was being impeached?

Tom Delay (R-TX):
"This nation sits at a crossroads. One direction points to the higher road of the rule of law. Sometimes hard, sometimes unpleasant, this path relies on truth, justice and the rigorous application of the principle that no man is above the law. Now, the other road is the path of least resistance. This is where we start making exceptions to our laws based on poll numbers and spin control. This is when we pitch the law completely overboard when the mood fits us, when we ignore the facts in order to cover up the truth.

No man is above the law, and no man is below the law. That's the principle that we all hold very dear in this country."

Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.):
"I suggest impeachment is like beauty: apparently in the eye of the beholder. But I hold a different view. And it's not a vengeful one, it's not vindictive, and it's not craven. It's just a concern for the Constitution and a high respect for the rule of law. ... as a lawyer and a legislator for most of my very long life, I have a particular reverence for our legal system. It protects the innocent, it punishes the guilty, it defends the powerless, it guards freedom, it summons the noblest instincts of the human spirit.

The rule of law protects you and it protects me from the midnight fire on our roof or the 3 a.m. knock on our door."

James Sensenbrenner: (R-WI)
"What is on trial here is the truth and the rule of law. Our failure to bring President Clinton to account for his lying under oath and preventing the courts from administering equal justice under law, will cause a cancer to be present in our society for generations. I want those parents who ask me the questions, to be able to tell their children that even if you are president of the United States, if you lie when sworn "to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth," you will face the consequences of that action, even when you don't accept the responsibility for them."

Chuck Hagel (R-NB):
"There can be no shading of right and wrong. The complicated currents that have coursed through this impeachment process are many. But after stripping away the underbrush of legal technicalities and nuance, I find that the President abused his sacred power by lying and obstructing justice. How can parents instill values and morality in their children? How can educators teach our children? How can the rule of law for every American be applied equally if we have two standards of justice in America--one for the powerful and the other for the rest of us?"

Bill Frist (R-TN):
"I will have no part in the creation of a constitutional double-standard to benefit the President. He is not above the law. If an ordinary citizen committed these crimes, he would go to jail."

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas):
"When someone is elected president, they receive the greatest gift possible from the American people, their trust. To violate that trust is to raise questions about fitness for office. My constituents often remind me that if anyone else in a position of authority -- for example, a business executive, a military officer of a professional educator -- had acted as the evidence indicates the president did, their career would be over. The rules under which President Nixon would have been tried for impeachment had he not resigned contain this statement: "The office of the president is such that it calls for a higher level of conduct than the average citizen in the United States."

Impeachment Talk From the Rock River Times (Part 4)

"There's no longer any need to "connect the dots" on Bush; his presidency has become one huge and growing stain on America's proud heritage and reputation for being a beacon of hope to the world."

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From Open Your Mind's Eye: Join the New Anti-Bush Newsgroup

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
IBC contributor Open Your Mind's Eye has created a news group and has invited all IBC members and fellow Bush foes to join. The news group will serve the following purposes:

1. Incorporates your site, into a listing of likeminded bloggers.
2. Generates targeted and friendly traffic to your blog site.
3. Promotes a reverberative echo of the impeach bush message into the blogosphere.

Here is the invitiation from Open Your Minds Eye:

To join, just click here. Then post your website along with a description. After posting your website in order to maintain a placement on the ranking board you will need to post the html to your website it displays a web button on your site, this is key and is an integral part in making the service work. As soon as this gets going it should prove to be a worthy source for traffic generation. If you have a banner, please feel free to post that as well. It draws attention to your site and generates more clicks. I have enclosed a link below for a Banner Creator to help you get started. It's a pretty slick tool, and is excellent for showing off your weblog. This Newsgroup will prove to be an invaluable source of website promotion. Please keep in mind this is an Anti-Bush Newsgroup, that being the case, you will start to notice that the listings will fill up fast.

This site will also rank a website/blog based on the amount of unique clicks coming to a toplist and assigns certain position on this list. The more visitors you have, the higher you are on the toplist. It also helps you to raise your ranks in search engines, by providing you with new backlinks from politics.ontoplist.com, and thus raises your google PageRank.

Hurry and register your site to secure your placement today!

From Democrats.com: More Impeachment Activities

Go to http://www.articlesofimpeachment.net
to learn about a "National Teach-In" on impeachment organized by the Center for Constitutional Rights and Melville House, launching nationwide on July 19 in cities and towns across the country. (This is a new site so if it crashes try back later.)

Please join the effort:­ visit www.articlesofimpeachment.net and organize a Teach-In in your home or community center. An "action kit" ­-- including a DVD documentary short, HOW TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT, the handbook ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST GEORGE W. BUSH, and other resources ­-- is available at the website. Join the CCR, the nation's leading institute of constitutional scholarship and activism, in making the impeachment of George W. Bush a reality.


Pass an Impeachment Resolution at Your State Democratic Party Convention

Despite the efforts of those who would sweep the issue under the rug, 10 state Democratic party organizations have already gone on record in support of impeachment resolutions: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, California, Colorado and Hawaii. This weekend, we expect similar resolutions to be brought in Minnesota and even Texas! And there are more to come in the weeks ahead, which means that shortly more than a quarter of all state Democratic party organizations will have gone on record in favor of impeachment. That's not to mention the three states that have introduced resolutions in their legislatures calling on Congress to act. Several states have conventions coming up. Get involved:

Wanna Get More Involved?

Thursday, June 08, 2006
From articlesofimpeachment.net:

The Center for Constitutional Rights, America's leading institution of constitutional scholarship, has developed a legal case for the impeachment of George W Bush. Now, in collaboration with Melville House Books and progressives across the U.S., they are sponsoring a "National Teach-In" to share their case, what's at stake, and what impeachment means for every American.

On this site, you can find a teach-in in your neighborhood, town, or city. Or you can sign-up to host a teach-in and bring this important and non-partisan discussion of impeachment to your home, school, church, or community center.

For those interested in hosting a teach-in, an "Action Kit" is available. The kit includes the documentary short HOW TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT, featuring Center for Constitutional Rights attorneys. Also included are a discussion guide, action strategies, and copies of the Center for Constitutional Rights' handbook ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST GEORGE W. BUSH.

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Put Impeachment on the Radio

From Democrats.com:

Please Ask Your Local Radio Stations to Air These Public Service Announcements

This is an important project that we should each devote some time to. Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Tim Robbins, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Ed Asner have recorded pro-impeachment public service announcements. We'll be adding more all the time at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/psa

How to get them on the air:

1. Call a radio station. Ask to speak with the person responsible for public service announcements and/or ask to speak with hosts you expect to be friendly.

2. Identify yourself by name and say that you are assisting the nonpartisan coalition AfterDowningStreet.org and PDA in distributing public service announcements in support of Congressman John Conyers' House Resolution 635 - which calls for an investigation of the Bush administration.

3. Tell them the PSAs are available on a website as high-quality mp3s, and that you can give them the address (http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/psa ) and that you can send them as Email attachments or on a disc, whatever is easier. Exchange contact information and arrange to get the PSAs to the station.

4. Follow up. Be persistent, without being annoying.
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Introducing the California Impeachment Resolution Website

Monday, June 05, 2006
If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at the California Impeachment Resolution website.

Send an "Impeach Petition" to the U.S. House of Representatives

Impeach for Peace, a Minnesota-based impeachment group, has prepared a PDF version of a petition that can easily be printed out, signed, and sent to the United States House of Representatives.

We've gone ahead and added this task to our Impeachment Checklist.

And if you haven't done so yet, please go ahead and email various State Legislators for impeachment, pursuant to Jefferson Manual Rule 603.

10 Reasons To Impeach



Monday, June 05, 2006

As prospects grow for a Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives, and perhaps even the Senate, this November, the idea of impeachment is gaining attention. Yet even as polls show increasing numbers of Americans supporting the idea of removing Bush from office before the end of his term, Democratic Party leaders keep backing away.

This is not simply bad politics. It is cowardly, wrong and dangerous.

Let's look at the facts.

President Bush has committed grave offenses against the Constitution and against the people of the United States. Among these offenses are:

1. Initiating a war of aggression against a nation that posed no immediate threat to the U.S.--a war that has needlessly killed 2500 Americans and maimed and damaged over 20,000 more, while killing between 50-100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children.

2. Lying and organizing a conspiracy to trick the American people and the U.S. Congress into approving an unnecessary and illegal war.

3. Approving and encouraging, in violation of U.S. and international law, the use of torture, kidnapping and rendering of prisoners of war captured in Iraq and Afghanistan and in the course of the so-called War on Terror.

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ImpeachPAC Endorses Jean Hay Bright of Maine

Friday, June 02, 2006
From ImpeachPAC's Press Release:

ImpeachPAC, a federal PAC funding pro-impeachment candidates for Congress, has announced its first endorsement of a candidate for the Senate, Jean Hay Bright of Maine, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican incumbent Olympia Snowe.

ImpeachPAC has previously endorsed three candidates for the House of Representatives, Michigan's Tony Trupiano, New York's Chris Owens, and California's Jeeni Criscenzo. ImpeachPAC is contributing $2,100 to Bright's campaign, and will be able to contribute another $2,900 once the PAC has endorsed at least five candidates.

While, as a Senator, Bright will be unable to introduce Articles of Impeachment, she has forcefully and eloquently called for their introduction in the House and committed to advancing Senate investigations of the Bush Administration's crimes.

"We have an Administration seizing power it has no right to seize," Bright writes, "openly violating national and international laws and the Constitution, refusing to divulge, even to members of Congress, what it is doing. And we have a complicit Congress sitting there with one eye closed, not doing anything about it.

"I could not believe my ears when I heard that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said a few weeks ago that the current impeachment talk is just a 'pointless distraction' and would be 'off the table' if the Democrats manage to regain majority status after the November elections.

"A pointless distraction? Every member of Congress swears an oath to protect the Constitution. The carefully crafted balance of powers in the three branches of government is an essential component of that document. That balance is severely out of whack, and the three branches are not functioning according to their assigned tasks."

Read Bright's statement in full:


Bright has also been endorsed by the Veterans Party and by two chapters of Democracy for America.

"Jean Hay Bright's positions across a wide range of issues are exactly what the Democratic Party needs," said ImpeachPAC's President Bob Fertik. "She has spoken out strongly for immediate and complete military and corporate withdrawal from Iraq and for supporting the reconstruction of that country. She takes leadership positions on domestic issues, including single-payer health care, workers' rights, and a living wage. But above all she stands bravely for accountability and the rule of law - even for presidents."

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Maine Mulling Impeachment

Democrats in Maine are mulling impeachment.
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Brad Blog Interviews an Impeach-minded Candidate

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Marcy Winograd is running for Congress in California's 36th District. She likes the idea of impeachment when it comes to Bush and Cheney. Check out her interview at The Brad Blog HERE.
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