Impeach Bush Coalition
A United Coalition of Bloggers for the Impeachment of George W. Bush

Put Impeachment on the Radio

Thursday, June 08, 2006
From Democrats.com:

Please Ask Your Local Radio Stations to Air These Public Service Announcements

This is an important project that we should each devote some time to. Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Tim Robbins, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Ed Asner have recorded pro-impeachment public service announcements. We'll be adding more all the time at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/psa

How to get them on the air:

1. Call a radio station. Ask to speak with the person responsible for public service announcements and/or ask to speak with hosts you expect to be friendly.

2. Identify yourself by name and say that you are assisting the nonpartisan coalition AfterDowningStreet.org and PDA in distributing public service announcements in support of Congressman John Conyers' House Resolution 635 - which calls for an investigation of the Bush administration.

3. Tell them the PSAs are available on a website as high-quality mp3s, and that you can give them the address (http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/psa ) and that you can send them as Email attachments or on a disc, whatever is easier. Exchange contact information and arrange to get the PSAs to the station.

4. Follow up. Be persistent, without being annoying.